
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lifting Off

So you've been wondering what new business I'm going into? Well, I'm combining the things I'm good at with something I love and capitalizing on an existing infrastructure. Okay, so that didn't really tell you anything, did it?

So here's the skinny: I am now a BeautiControl Consultant (in training). It's kind of like being a Counselor in Training at summer camp, but without the tipped over canoes and mosquito bites.

People who know me well are chuckling right now because they know that I hate direct sales things. I won't name the different types of schemes here (most often aimed at women, dontcha know), but I've been known to whine loudly and long when invited to "parties" for those unnamed direct sales companies.

I've been to direct sales parties for cookware, interior decor, candles, and jewelry. Sadly, I've never been to a party for sex toys, but I understand that those are some of your more entertaining events. And not at all embarrassing.

Now, the idea of a direct sales item that is for me and not something I can cook with or hang on the wall? (And no, I don't mean vibrators.) That's something I can thoroughly dig.

Well, a chick can change her mind and so I did. I contacted my friend Dora about her career with BeautiControl and she shared with me how it's been working for her. And you know what they say - timing is everything. I've been trying to figure out how to unyoke myself from the 8:30 - 4:30 grind I'm in now. Big changes are coming to my current position (read: the office is moving 2 hours away) and I'm not ready to uproot the family like I thought I might be. The reality of that is different than it was a year ago when I took this job.

Now I could telecommute, but my boss, for reasons of his own, is digging in hard and insists I either relocate my family or make the commute at least four days per week. When I raised the issue with him, he was quick to remind me that I knew the office was relocating when I took this job a year ago. If there can be no compromise on this, then I have to do what's right for my family.

So back to that timing thing. Enter BeautiControl. I love skin care, relaxation (although my life is sorely lacking in it), make up, beauty products and spa-related activities. The idea behind BeautiControl is to hold spas in your home, with some friends. I'm cool with that. And if I can make a living with it, so much the better.

I've tested the products because I'm not going to sell things I don't believe in or don't use. The products compare with the expensive items I splurge on at the department store. And they cost a bit less! They are also endorsed by the Pussies for Peace because BeautiControl does not test on animals.

And, hey, fellas, don't think you're being left out. We have a men's line, too. I know, I see you right now, Kitten Toes. You're swooning over that news, aren't you?

This is a time in my life where I am making some radical changes while trying to maintain the ship of state at home. I'm going to have to hang in there and make that brutal commute for a while. Talk about needing some spa time after that! But now that I've set my mind to finding a way to write my book and work for myself, I'm ready to make this thing work.

I've combined my goofball video skills with some fabulous products so that you can see for yourself what it is I'm selling. There, I said it. I am selling. That didn't hurt like I thought it would.

You can learn more about the products we offer and place orders at my webpage. You're also invited to my official lift off party at 6:45 p.m. (eastern) on Tuesday, August 11th. If you can't make it, we're going to see what we can do to include you because you all deserve the gift of relaxation and beauty (she said, trying not to giggle).


  1. That was great. Whatta woman! I have to tell you that while I watched it I was very much reminded of Lucille Ball - and I mean that in the best possible way.

    One of these days (after I set up an etsy store and one or two people buy my things) I promise to be among your customers.

  2. Best of luck with the new venture. You may find some of the gals up my way might like what you're going to be selling.

  3. Did you just pour red wine into a white wine glass? After that, everything was a blur ... something about water, a washcloth and a steamy bathroom? I think you were speaking a foreign language because I understood almost nothing.

    Good luck anyway and did you know a dab of dilute ammonia will take the sting out of mosquito bites?

  4. I will totally look into this line of products. I could see a difference, and trust me; I have tried everything. No surprise there! ;)

    I think I would have a ball at your home-spa get togethers. I loved the informational video.

    What kind of wine should I bring?

    Seriously; best of luck. I will be putting in my order through you very soon.


  5. Definitely not what I was expecting, but I can see the possibilities.

  6. They should totally have you doing the instructional videos. You should figure out a way to do a virtual party so we can all attend!

  7. Loved your video. I'm predicting that you will be the CEO in no time.

    My income does not allow me to buy any skin care products at all. It shows. Soap and water is it for me. But I can see a difference. It is a good line and you will do well.

    However if I sell the book, I'm going to buy from you, and then I'll look good for book signings.

  8. Lisa, timing is absolutely everything. I also believe that when you prioritize things, life works with your priorities. Best, best, best of luck!

  9. Loved that face you made at the end! I actually watched all of this with rapt attention.

    I hope this venture works out for you, Lisa.

  10. Congrats and good for you!--on your new venture! :)

    Now when are you going to go into the "writing a book" business?? *smiles*

  11. I'm wishing you the very best with this Lisa, and damn it, Georgia is a little far to go for a party........but you know I wish I could be there!

  12. Best of luck with this new venture. (Remember, though, to try to schedule in some writing time (even 15 minutes a day to set the intention going) - and find a space for it that ISN'T also devoted to your new enterprise!)

  13. Lisa,
    I'm proud to welcome you to our team but more proud to be able to support you in reaching your dreams. To some,that sounds hokey but it's truly my life mission. I just choose to do it through BeautiControl.

    Only someone as savvy and FUN as you can take something already fun and kick it up a few notches. We are spreading your video all over :)!

    To Lisa's friends and her, encourage her and promote her. It is absolutely the quickest and most effective way to move her to success.

    In 3.5 short years, I've gone from being restless with my life, drowing in unsecured debt, needing a lot more income to suplement my husband's business/state budget cuts and having a need to make a difference in the lives of others.....
    paying off over $25K in debt, having a 1099 that declares $52K in bonuses, and going to bed happy (for the most part - if I could only get my 4&7yo to obey all the time and brush their teeth w/out whining @@)

    All that to say - this is a bonified opportunity that you can support Lisa in (and/or join for yourself) and it's something that will not only help Lisa write that book - but will feed her family and her spirit.

    I hope this wasn't too forward or commercial. I'm just excited to be working with you and learning from you :)

  14. Good for you! I'm sure you can make something out of this venture! All the luck in the world Lisa.

  15. First of all, I want to say up front, before I get all silly and snarky ... blessings on this enterprise, Lisa. I will definitely check the website, because as a woman of a particular age, well, you know ... (I always think I still look 27 until I get photographed next to my daughters.)

    So, when you did the final bit with showing each side of your face, I was thinking, WTF, it all looks like a cat's butt to me! That's when I realized that Daisy had slipped between my eyes and the monitor -- I was so engrossed in your Oscar-caliber performance (truly funny and inspired) that I hadn't noticed her entrance.

    The product names do sound a little like highway repairs, but then again, some mornings my face looks like a wreck, so there you go.

    Best of luck, Lisa. This is really cool. I'll have you up to my house for a party, as soon as I can clear the crap off of the dining room table.

  16. Ohh. I couldn't even watch the video yesterday while I was at work, and I must say that was the best infomercial I've ever seen. I really look forward to when you start selling sex toys!

  17. "Well, I'm combining the things I'm good at with something I love and capitalizing on an existing infrastructure." - Honest to God, I thought you were moving to Nevada and becoming a Madame at a state-sponsored House of Ill-Repute.

    Beauty consultant? OK, that, too, I suppose. . .

  18. Excellent! I wish you the very best of luck! If Aug. 11 weren't during our first week of school, I would totally come to your party.

    Maybe I can host one for you sometime this fall.

  19. I like the wine drinking part I must admit. Do you have organic, non-toxic make-up. I'd order some just to try it out and give you a boost if you did. Okay, so good luck with your business--you are so gonna be good, no GREAT, at it.


  20. I watched the whole thing - it was great. And of course I'm sold on the stuff and will have to order it. I really could see a difference in the two sides of your face! Loved the music and wine too. You will totally rock at this! Best of luck!

  21. Bravo on the vid. Best of luck with the new career!

  22. Yay you. (but personally I go for the uncontrolled beauty)

  23. Great minds/blogs think about lifting and firming alike.
    Good luck!!!

  24. Hey there! I saw your comment over at La Belette Rouge and was intrigued enough to pop over to see your video. Which I enjoyed fully, I might add. You have a charming, very natural presence in front of the camera. And I smiled. I could def. see a diff. between the two sides of your face. Looks like an excellent product line... :)

  25. It's exciting to be involved with something you feel good about. On that note, I bet you'd be an awesome sex party consultant, too. ;)

  26. Yeah, good luck and all that, but will there be any paradigm shifting, or is that being saved for the sex toy parties?

  27. consider me swooned!
    you had me at bark extract ba-beee!
    best of luck with your new venture

  28. I didn't even see the video (bandwidth issues) but I loved it. Just poke me with your sales catalog. I'll buy the whole lot. ;^)

  29. You label this an instant face lift, but the video is almost 9 instants long. Sorry, Lisa, you're awesome, but I need faster results.

    The two hour commute sounds like a perfect reason to embark upon this new adventure. I just know that you are going to have great success!

  30. Late to this party, but I wish you the best of luck. Bounding through the first year of my web design business has been a bit of a struggle - and continues to be some months - but it's trending upwards and I've gotten to the point where I can pay the mortgage.

    And yay men's line! I've been known to stop in at the men's salon up the street when I'm looking for a bit o pampering. Cheers!


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