
Monday, May 3, 2010

Once more into the fray

Thank you for all the terrific feedback on the story so far.  Today I'm engaged in another rewrite.  I think this one will streamline the plot so that the story is more focused.  It also gives me a chance to reduce the characters by one, saving what I think is a compelling character for his own story, perhaps a short story.  And no, it's not the General, any General who is being sidelined.  It's a character you hadn't been introduced to yet.

Anyway, this is one of those days when I'm really having to force myself to keep my butt in the chair and sally forth at the keyboard.  I'd much rather enjoy the rainy day either by reading or by watching the new Foyle's War we dvr'd last night.  Speaking of which, one of my favorite English detectives went through a similar thing.  Fictionally writing nonfiction, I mean.

From this I take my inspiration.....

I can write it, I just can't read it.
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up today.


  1. Good for you for sticking with it. We're all rooting for you.

  2. I don't mean to tempt you but that was the best Foyle's War ever. I so want Sam to marry that guy. You have a good reward to look forward to, in the form of Foyle, and you will have the reward of having your writing done. Double rewards! Happy writing!!!

  3. Sorry I have been MIA around here. I want to go back and catch up. Keep plugging away at this. The world needs your words (and I'm not kidding.)

  4. cant wait to read the rewrite

  5. Oh, writer's block (or writer's laziness, at times)...I have known it myself OFTEN. :) :)

    Good for you, for pushing forward despite it! :)

  6. My friend Maud spends a tremendous amount of time editing. It's for herself. In the end, who knows what others will feel about her novel, but she will be happy with it. Good luck.

  7. The most difficult person to work for is oneself. Keep at it. I have faith you're working on a good one.

  8. i've not heard of this so will NOT start now with you hear me????????? ok settle down......

    good~~~you are sticking to it and you know what, you are going to make it happen....i am really enjoying your writing, i am pulled in by it, something that doesn't always happen to me....i have, of course, always loved your writing, especially when you kept your family blog-so anyway, good job there, kiddo :)

  9. Just remember to give us all the name of the agents who send you rejection letters. I've got my torch, lighter fluid and pitchfork handy.

  10. Lisa, it's always a good idea to sit down to write, even when you don't feel like it. Some of my best ideas come when I have to struggle for them.

  11. I'm totally rooting for you, and what I've read so far has been AWESOME.

    I know some days the words flow effortlessly and then other days NOTHING comes!

  12. I'm hoping to have more time to read and catch up on your writing! I must vow to keep off Facebook and read blogs instead for the rest of this week!

  13. Re: Foyle's War. Hope she was a better driver.


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