
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Carpe Diem

You know, I suck at staying in touch with people.  Just recently I was scrolling through the phone numbers on my cellphone to see if there were any to delete or update.  I came across a number and thought "Man, I should call him and see how he's doing."  But I didn't.  I figured since he'd had to take on some of the work I used to do before I was laid off, he wouldn't have time to shoot the breeze.  Plus, it might be a little awkward, you know?

Well now it's too late.  Damn it.

Man, 47 is just way too young to go. 
Sorry I didn't call and say hey when I had the chance, K.  Fly safely through those stars, my friend.


  1. Very sorry for the loss. Those regrets for missed chances do suck, he said from sad experience.

  2. It's sad news about your friend but I know your good wishes will speed him on his way.

  3. Sorry about your friend, Lisa. Don't feel too bad about not having called him. Sadly, he didn't call either.

  4. Ugh. Sad.

    We talked about your blog at our blog gathering...I think we sent you new blog followers/friends.

    Great score on the books! I love Jane Austen...

  5. So sorry...47 is indeed way too young. And yes, we should try to reach out to people when we think about it as you never know when it will be too late.


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