
Friday, January 4, 2013

It feels more like an epiPHONY

For the last several months, writing has become something so difficult that I retreat instead of trying. Following my return to paid work, it's harder to keep up - with writing, reading, eating things that aren't scientifically engineered to make us grow a third nipple, exchanging a few words with my family, with everything. I spend in the neighborhood of twelve hours a day involved in work or getting to or from there so it's hardly a surprise that my online life has evolved. Devolved?

Even though I can't be online as much as I once was (that's what I get for finding a job without an office where I could fool around online without anyone seeing), doesn't mean I can't write. Right? Someone back me up here.

But where to start? I feel rusty, stiff, at a loss for subjects, voiceless. The  horror!

Enter the 3A.M. Epiphany - Uncommon Writing Exercises That Transform Your Fiction by Brian Kitely. This book was a gift from Kirie back when I had all the time in the world to do nothing but write and of course, genius that I am, set it aside for a day when I felt I could dedicate myself to improving my craft.

I believe delusional is the appropriate word here.

So. I'm using the exercises in this book to get the wheels turning. Let me tell you, those brain squirrels are out of shape. Tubby from excess, wheezing with the smallest exertions..

Hard cheese. I'm flogging those lazy, lardy crybabies, insisting they pump their fat little legs until I my fingers move across the keys and produce the 500 words or more required to complete each exercise in Professor Kitely's book.

In other words, I'm doing things differently and expecting different results. Better results? Maybe. The point is, I'm going to use my writing muscle until I can crack nuts with it. Which is more than I can say for most of my other muscles. Okaaaaay, all of my other muscles.

Kitely has a list of the exercises here. If you're interested in joining me in this exercise, please let me know. I'm only on Exercise 2 and will do Exercise 3 on January 4th since I chose to write this post on the third instead of doing my book work If enough people are interested, perhaps we could do this as a sort of online writing group. Not being a natural joiner, I'm hesitant to suggest this, but one of the writing resolutions I've made for this month is to be more active in a writing community. Bob help me. Change is hard.

What are you doing differently?


  1. I gave up on writing long ago.

    Photography Is Phun!

    1. Well, if I had your photographic talents, thunder.....

  2. Everything you said. I'd be willing to bet my writing muscles are lazier and flabbier than yours. Need bad. I'm in.

    1. Hey, Jen! I'll email you so we can share the adventures. You, too, Sherry, Sarah W., and MSB who actually commented on the Wordpress version of this blog.

  3. Thanks Lisa. I guess I need to get more serious about writing and this might be something I should seriously look at. I have placed it on my Amazon Wish list so I won't lose it. :)

  4. I'm in, as long as it doesn't mean getting up at 3am!

  5. Replies
    1. Have I told you lately that I love you, Randal?

  6. I has only won rull wen it comes too riting. A reason.

  7. Hi Lisa,

    I'm doing monthly chapter exchanges with a writing buddy, so won't join you but cheering from the sidelines. Thanks for the link to those resolutions as well - a bonus was seeing Averil on the sidebar!

    1. Downith, you're on it already. Best wishes for your endeavor. And yes! It's a treat to see our Averil at litreactor.

  8. I'm a reader not a writer. With that in mind I'll promise to read anything you feel like sharing.

    1. susan, thank you for that offer. You'll hear from me.

      But I beg to differ. You are a writer, a reader, an artist of many colors.

  9. last comment went to the ether?
    Well, curses to blogger techno probs!

    I kept thinking the word "exercises" was "excuses"-- so read read your post changing the word for some laughs!
    I'll pass on any additional commitments right now... still training in my new job of 2 months, and the husband is looking like he will be unemployed by next week.
    You not only know the drill, you lived it & survived.
    Preparing to go into the hunker down mode.
    Hoping Congress does not throw the unemployed off the cliff.

    1. Oh, Fran. I'm sorry that things are taking this turn for your family.

      Let us know if we can do anything to help.

  10. Good luck with the exercises, Lisa. I'm feeling like this could be a year of changes--changes we create rather than those imposed on us. Hope I'm right!

    1. Thanks, Gina!I hope you're right, too, about this year. I want good things for all of us. Specifically, I want us all to have enough, to be secure.

  11. "In other words, I'm doing things differently and expecting different results. Better results? Maybe. The point is, I'm going to use my writing muscle until I can crack nuts with it. Which is more than I can say for most of my other muscles. Okaaaaay, all of my other muscles."

    Oh, hell yes!!!


And then you say....

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